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Monthly Archives: August 2024

How Do Larger Wheels Impact Fuel Efficiency and Comfort?

How Do Larger Wheels Impact Fuel Efficiency and Comfort?

When it comes to customizing vehicles, one of the most popular upgrades is installing larger wheels. But how exactly do these bigger wheels affect your car’s performance, especially in terms of fuel efficiency and ride comfort? Many drivers opt for larger wheels for their aesthetic appeal or to enhance handling, but there are key trade-offs that can impact both your wallet and driving experience. Let’s see how larger wheels influence your vehicle’s fuel economy and comfort on the road. Fuel Efficiency One of the first areas where larger wheels impact performance is fuel efficiency. If you're considering an upgrade, it's important to understand that larger wheels can have a negative effect on your car's gas mileage. Increased Weight Larger wheels are generally heavier than smaller ones. That extra weight forces your engine to work ... read more

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