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Why We Don’t Give Phone Estimates

Why We Don’t Give Phone Estimates

At Bimmer Rescue it is our policy to not give out quotes over the phone.  When a shop tells you a price without a physical evaluation of the vehicle, they may be trying to please you but they're really not helping you.  Cars are complicated these days, even a simple part is often part of a complex system and it is IMPOSSIBLE to know exactly what needs without a physical evaluation.  If a shop gives you a phone quote they are just telling you what you want to hear, it's very likely that they will find it needs more $$$ after they get it all apart.  The shop will either have to charge you more, eat the cost, or even worse they'll try and cut a corner to make it work without charging you or eating the cost.  Neither option is fair or honest, that's why we always demand a physical evaluation of the vehicle.  If the reason you don't want to drop it off is that you're not sure you trust us just yet we can understand th ... read more

Are Aftermarket Warranties Worth It?

Are Aftermarket Warranties Worth It?

When you visit us for an auto repair, the team of auto mechanics at Bimmer Rescue is happy to discuss aftermarket warranty options with you. We’ve assisted customers from Richmond, Short Pump, The West End, The Fan District, and surrounding regions in assessing whether an aftermarket warranty would be beneficial for their cars and lifestyles. We have so many loyal and long-term clients because not only does Bimmer Rescue offer incredible auto repair, but we also provide above and beyond customer service. The team at Bimmer Rescue recommends that you pick a warranty that covers modern labor rates and parts generally expensive to fix, especially oil leaks and gaskets. If a warranty that you’re considering offers a Bronze, Silver, or Gold option, we highly suggest that you go for the Gold. If you need help reading the fine print, come sit down with us at Bimmer Rescue, and we’ll be your advocate with warranty companies. Customers choose to stay with us for years because ... read more

What Does a “Service Engine Soon” Light Mean in a European Vehicle?

What Does a “Service Engine Soon” Light Mean in a European Vehicle?

Whenever their European Vehicles need service, car owners trust our team of auto mechanics at Bimmer Rescue to handle everything. As the go-to auto repair shop throughout Richmond, Short Pump, the West End, and the Fan District, we provide honest and reliable service. If you own a European vehicle, particularly a BMW or MINI, you most likely have seen that “Service Engine Soon” or “Check Engine” light appear on your dashboard. You may have wondered exactly what that light means. Keep reading, and we will break it down for you.   Your car is a complex machine, built to be both dependable and innovative, and our team of auto mechanics is well-versed in the ins and outs of your beloved vehicle. If your Service Engine Soon light has appeared on your dashboard, don’t ignore it. This light is a warning telling you that something’s not quite right. It does not mean your engine is imminent danger of exploding, but you should call us as soon as you se ... read more


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